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What is the ISDA 2012 FATCA protocol?

ISDA 2012 FATCA Protocol addresses the effects of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) on derivatives transactions. This Protocol is part of ISDA’s Dodd-Frank Documentation Initiative relating to compliance with the CFTC’s External Business Conduct Rules.

What are the changes to the 1992 ISDA Master Agreements?

These changes expand the Protocol's coverage to include 1992 Master Agreements containing an Impossibility Termination Event, and related modifications, as suggested in Section VIII of the User's Guide to the 1992 ISDA Master Agreements (1993 Edition) published by ISDA.

What is the ISDA 2021 SbS top-up protocol?

The ISDA 2021 SBS Top-Up Protocol (the “SBS Top-Up Protocol”) is part of ISDA’s Dodd-Frank Documentation Initiative aimed at assisting the industry in implementing and complying with the regulatory requirements imposed under Title VII of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”).

What is the cut-off date for the ISDA protocol?

Please refer to the "Frequently Asked Questions" below for more information on both the Protocol’s substance and the adherence procedure. The Protocol is open to ISDA members and non-members. There is no cut-off date to this Protocol. ISDA does however reserve the right to designate a cut-off date by giving 30 days notice on this site.

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